New Year - New Us

News Flash!

Seating Direct (International) Don’t Make Seats!

That’s right - we don’t make seats - but we DO manufacture a wide range of standard and customised air cells for ergonomic seating solutions

Our main products include:

Our expertise encompasses pump-up, adjustable pressure, permanently inflated, foam-filled, responsive, and self-inflating air cells as well as valve and pump technology and design.

We are re-branding to:


AirCare Systems™ specialise in providing pneumatic seating solutions.

We have used this brand name for a number of years and we will now use it for all our company products and marketing. 

What will change?

Nothing! Nothing else will change. Our people, our company registered details, our address and manufacturing site, our bank details, our owners, they all remain the same

We will continue to supply the specialist manufacture of pneumatic seating solutions and ergonomic seating systems as we have always done.

Aircare Systems™ specialise in providing pneumatic seating solutions

If you have an ergonomic seating project that you would like our support with

simply contact us directly:

“We never made you seats - but we will always make you comfy and support you.”

AirCare Systems™